A review by ekfmef
Shadow of a Dark Queen by Raymond E. Feist


I'm currently re-reading all of the Feist books and so far, it's awesome! I didn't remember much from this book (I only read it once ten years ago) so everything was like I read it for the first time.
Maybe it's a bit controversial, but I'm starting to prefer Feist over GRRM. Feist didn't make the mistake of trying to describe everything in one generation. You get the feeling that every book is just a small glimpse in a world in which a lot of going on, and every book offers a fresh perspective.
On the other hand, Pug's sudden appearances at the end of every book do have a bit of a 'deus ex machina' quality, and I'm still not really fond of the entire religion bashing thing. However, I used to think that Feist's books were a bit shallow or superficial and now I don't know anymore why I held that opinion. Each new character / book explores another part of the human condition and he gets quite introspective at times.

On to the next book!