A review by ladybedivere
Dracula vs. King Arthur by Christian Beranek, Adam Beranek


Arthurian Legends and Dracula. Two of my favorite things, brought together in one gloriously stupid-sounding concept that actually manages to work incredibly well.

Premise: Lucifer Morningstar, pissed off at the fact that King Arthur is such a godly and righteous king, turns Vlad Tepes into the vampire Dracula and boots him back in time to team up with the sorceress Morgana and destroy Camelot. Chaos ensues.

The artwork was not always my style, but was lovely nonetheless. What amazed me was the story - these guys did their research and did it well. they integrated history, legend, science, and religion into a cohesive story that I didn't laugh off as a bad crossover. This Dracula is not Bram Stoker's vampire; he's the bloodthirsty Vlad Tepes of history, but with fangs and a bad attitude. Really, though, it's an Arthurian story: what happens when holy King Arthur must face an infernal force that will destroy everything he loves in order to literally turn Britannia into Hell on earth?

Highlights for my inner geek included:

*Bedivere actually showed up to fulfill his role at Camlann! (He had both hands, but at least he showed up. Surest way to win my undying love.)

*Percival was awesome, and the way his relationship with his sister Amide was refigured to serve the vampire plot was excellent. (And his sister even showed up!)

*The subtle references, such as Arthur's comment to the Lady of the Lake about Balin, and the fact that all the places at the Round Table showed names of actual knights from Le Morte d'Arthur.

This edition collects the four "chapters" into a single volume, and is well worth tracking down if you like vampires, Arthur, comics, or just hilarious concepts which shouldn't work but do.