A review by ariaslibrary
Touch of Love by Nicky James


haphephobia: the fear of touching or of being touched.

Touch. Some would say one of man's basic means of interaction. Ireland, a nurse, struggles with accepting or giving touch. Different from the previous stories, he is already getting help for his phobia, but he experiences several setbacks that have ruined all of his romantic relationships.

Then we meet Raven. He's introduced when helping Ireland move out of his shared home with his now ex-girlfriend. He's attracted to the guy but after initial strained interactions and coming to know of Ireland's fear of touch, they decide to try being friends.

This was a slowburn emotional book. Ireland lives in fear or disappointing Raven with his limitations but Raven is loving and patient and willing to love with those boundaries. It took some effort but they made it work. Loved this addition to the series.