A review by jassmine
Exploits & Adventures of Miss by Elizabeth Aston


Clearly, I have no respect for my own time and writing a detailed review would only push that point, so I will try to be brief. I accidentally started this series with the third book, which was an OK read, even if a bit weird. For some reason the series was still on my mind though, so I read the first book, which I didn’t like at all… The second book has a better rating though, so I gave it another chance and it was – wait for the surprise – also terrible. I have to say that I liked it more than the first one, it was a bit more energetic, things were happening. Was it absolutely ridiculous? Yes, but that’s what I’m here for. I have several other problems.

1) Alethea is an abuse survivor – the said abuse was both sexual and physically very painful (though the particulars are never truly cleared and what we know is a bit confused and weird). And yet she doesn’t mind being in close spaces with men. She is repeatedly sexually harassed by a man and she thinks it laughable. Her only issue is with marriage which, alright, but that shouldn’t be IT.

2) This family is just terrible, I hate them. When sister comes to you with something as personal and serious as domestic abuse, you don’t accuse her of spinning tales. That in no family. The end.

3) When you write a homosexual villain in one of your books, I say it’s alright. Homosexuals are only humans like rest of us, so even though I didn’t like how it was done in [b:Mr. Darcy's Daughters|181414|Mr. Darcy's Daughters (Darcy #1)|Elizabeth Aston|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1408927888l/181414._SY75_.jpg|2612155], I let it slip (nor really, but… I didn’t mind that much). But if you do it again in your second book and even take it to another level, I’ll start to suspect that you are a homophobe. Really the stereotypization was terrible. Every man that is a villain takes care of his looks (Warren, Lucius) and those who don’t at all are something extra (Titus).

4) Did Alethea cut her hair or not? Make your mind woman!

There were places where this book was making me sick (which the previous one didn’t manage), but at the same time it was catchier. I have no respect to my time at all, so I’ll probably read the fourth one, because it seems slightly more interesting and I am curious it we’ll get gay villain once more. I am such a masochist…