A review by chatterbookbabe
Bittersweet Always by Ella Fields


After I read Suddenly Forbidden, I made a vow to read every book Ella Fields decides to write. That story gave me the feels the way few others do, and quite simply, it blew me away. Even the secondary characters had an impact on me. I needed to know their story, and I was ecstatic when I found out I was going to get it.

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Pippa's life was greatly affected by her father's mental illness. The last thing she would ever want for herself is to fall in love with a man like him, but that's exactly what she does. Is Toby worth the risk?
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Toby and Pippa's journey has lots of ups and downs. It's raw, real, and emotional. The pain the characters experience hit me right in the heart. I understood their struggle, and I rooted for them the whole way through. If you are someone that suffers from mental illness or love anyone that does, I think you will empathize even more with the characters.

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Bittersweet Always is beautifully written, heartbreaking, and heartwarming all at once. The romance is intense, and the story is captivating. If you're a fan of the author or contemporary romance in general, I recommend this one to you!