A review by beyonceforpresident
Loser/Queen by Brittney Lee, Jodi Lynn Anderson


"The old, scared,, dorky Cammy was gone. She'd never that girl again

Summary: Cammy is an outcast at her school and tends to be at the end of all the cruel nicknames and pranks. One day she get an anonymous text from someone calling them self the "White Rabbit". This person helps Cammy rise in popularity, pretty soon the notes and text start getting threatening and could bring Cammy back down to loser status.

I had so many problems with this book, like so many problems. I will start off one good note, the main character Cammy at times reminded me of Alice McKinley from the Alice books series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. I LOVED these books growing up and there were a couple moments that Cammy's awkwardness and clumsiness reminded me of Alice.

Other than that I felt this book was a bit of a mess. The whole anonymous texter who knew everyone's secrets reminded me of the Pretty Little Liar series but all the characters felt very middle schoolish. Cammy and her friends are 15 but I kept picturing it set in a middle school.

I also had a huge problem with the use of mental illness in this book. I was a decent amount through this book when Cammy tells her grandpa she has OCD, it was mentioned one other time in the book. Besides the those mentions it is never brought up again and Cammy never shows any type of obsessive thought or compulsive behavior. This was not a book about Cammy's OCD and since it was hardly ever mentioned or "used" by her character it was totally uncalled for and almost laughable for the author to use it.

The ending of this book was very frustrating, even though I think the author ended the plot line to the best of her abilities a lot of the characters felt rushed, unfinished and not believable for what happened to them. The last chapter of this book also ended being written very differently then the rest of the book. It was told through emails and letters which made since for the plot line but it felt like it dragged on. Instead of having just a couple emails/letters there was a whole chapter dedicated to these conversations and about half them felt unnecessary.

This book was more like a cheap horror film, with D-Lister actors that you will never hear from a again. I was hoping for a fun, campy book but I ended up just getting a bad, cheesy book.