A review by kellyhager
Accomplice by Eireann Corrigan


Chloe and Finn are in high school and attend one of those getting into college seminars. They've got good grades and plenty of extracurricular activities, but turns out that may not be good enough.

So they develop a plan. They're going to fake Chloe's disappearance (and presumed abduction). After a few days, Finn's going to miraculously "find" her and then they will have the best college essays EVER.

But they didn't think of a couple things. They didn't think about how Chloe's family will implode or how her boyfriend Dean will be suspected of kidnapping and/or killing her. And they didn't think about how hard it will be for Finn to lie to her parents or to Chloe's.

I really enjoyed this book. While reading it, I couldn't wait to find out if they'd "get away with it" or if Finn would crack and tell. I wanted to know what would happen after Chloe was "found" and if the police would buy their story.

Really fun read, but probably not the best way to get into college. :)