A review by planetarypan
Cast in Ruin by Michelle Sagara


I loved this book! It is probably my favourite in the series. Explaining why would get all spoilery, but if you love Dragons (and I do), then this story finally gives you insight into their existence and rules. I also loved how Kaylin grew in this novel. THAT is how you keep a character from stagnating during a series.

I think the only jarring issue for me was that the events in "Cast in Ruin" take place almost immediately after the previous novel, and since I had a delay in reading the two, it felt like it should have been longer. I kept trying to wrap my head around the fact that the People had only been there for a few days, not weeks.

My friend complained that there wasn't enough Nightshade, so I will warn that she is right -- he is limited to one very brief scene. But I really didn't mind as he wasn't relevant to this plot.