A review by librariann
The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman


Ages 10+ (if you read The Giver, you'd be okay with this)

In the future, the world is mostly covered by water. It is taught that the Earth Mother controls the weather and in doing so protects the people. People are told that She and her 'government', the Corporation, have begun Enclosing some of the unsafe Northern and Southern areas, readying them for habitation. As the book begins, ten-year old Honor and her family have just left the North and moved to a tropical island run by the Corporation. School teaches her things she knows to be untrue from her time in the North. But conforming is easier...and conform she does. Her parents, however, do not. From having a second child to not fearing the water, her parents are different. Unacceptable. But are they actually RIGHT?

Forget Candor, this is how a dystopia should be run.