A review by letsgolesbians
Small Packages: Book Three in the Shaken Series by KG MacGregor


I’m so angry. Stop giving me stories about women who say, over and over, that they don’t want children, and then changed their minds because they’re forced into it and are portrayed as monsters when they bring up their discomfort.

I don’t want kids. Kids make me uncomfortable. Kids are expensive. Being a mother is not the life I want, at all, and I already have to deal with people telling me I’ll change my mind or that it’s not normal for a woman to not want kids, and these fucking stories allow people to say that shit to me. No one respected what Anna wanted. Even when Lily claimed to, Anna clearly didn’t have a choice because saying she didn’t want to adopt the kid would have made her seem like a demon. She changed her mind because that’s what always happens in these narratives, and because in these situations, you’re not allowed to say no. She couldn’t have said no. And when people asked her how she was doing and she answered honestly, she was told over and over that her feelings were the least important.


I loved the first book in this series but I really wish I had stopped there.