A review by blodeuedd
The Darkest Edge of Dawn by Kelly Gay



There is a constant darkness over Atlanta, eternal night. Charlie is trying to understand her new powers, while hunting a serial killer, and dealing with her own life.

My thoughts:

I could go on and on how much I enjoyed this book, Kelly is an amazing author. She writes dark books, but still the book feels so light to read. I mean to save this book, since the next is out first in 8 months, but I could no longer fight it. I had to read it.

In this one she is dealing with the knowledge of what she had become, her sister is addicted to ash and sad, her ex is dead and a revenant has taken control over him and stays with them, and I do love Rex. Such a fun character. Then there is the hellhound in the backyard, such a cutie. And her partner Hank, and oh now there is sexual tension between this that wants to explode. Nice, cos I needed some loving, but then he is a siren and that is what sirens do so she is confused.

Great plot as always, crazy angelic serial killer, that stalks her. More plans that has to do with Elysia and Charbydon, action, and just everything that made me unable to put this book down.

Great characters, and I love that it ends with an ending. Sure there is the big we promise more, but it does nto end with an cliffhanger. So I wont go crazy waiting for the next book, I will just go crazy cos I want it now because she is such a good writer.

Very happy with this book, it delivered just what I wanted and more.

Recommendation and final thoughts:

Yes, of course I recommend this series. It is a stay up late reading book. Just my kind of UF and I will be waiting for the next one and hoping that one rocks too. So go read it now.


Very kick-ass.

Reason for reading:

They are awesome!