A review by divadiane
Transmissions to the Mystic Nebula by Christopher Vera


This is a very moving collection of poems and I will be reviewing it in more depth. Forthcoming on AmazingStoriesMag.com

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Transmissions to the Mystic Nebula is a collection of intensely intimate poetry which map a life, somewhat (auto)biographical. Whether it’s the life of the poet himself or a fictional poet doesn’t makes no difference – you are pulled into an examination of events in a person’s life that are momentous and significant.

The collection is organized in a framework of communications with the “Mystic Nebula” by the/a (fictional) poet. This Science Fictional “story” is laid out at the beginning in a “Researchers Note” and the poems are punctuated by beautiful art depicting a Nebula and other space images with status reports regarding the “transmission”. The effect is one that brings ...

Find my full review here: http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2013/11/poetry-review-transmissions-mystic-nebula/