A review by batkat31
Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine


I will start by saying that Rachel Caine is one of my favorite authors. I loved her Morganville series in high school. Unrelated to her superior talents she is a really nice person. I wrote to her as a high school student (basically just a fangirl letter about how much I loved her books, I don't know why I did because it's not something I'd ever done before or since) and she replied the next day with a lovely personal response! It made an impact that I still appreciate to this day.

Now on to this book:

Stillhouse Lake was soooo good. I know that I just stated how biased I am above but it really was one of my favorite books so far this year.
Gwen is a great main character who is strong, independent (almost to a fault), and introspective who I loved to read about. The way she handles her situation and her life is not only badass but realistic. She's a mother first and foremost and she is in no way perfect. She makes mistakes, she has issues, but you probably would too in her shoes. What I really loved about her is that when she does make mistakes she immediately attempts to not only fix it but analyze why she made that mistake and how to be better in the future.
One thing I really loved is how Caine portrays motherhood/parenthood. I'm 24 and I don't have kids. I may one day but the idea of having them makes me equally excited and terrified (I'm sure many people can relate). As someone who's never been a mother, I am surprised at how easily she made me feel like one as I read. By that I mean that when she was thinking about how much she loves her children, the love leaped off the page and made me feel that love. I thought about my parents and my family and wonder if that is how they felt about me and their kids. When she was afraid for their safety and pushing through intense situations in order to protect them I was impressed with her strength and it made me feel protective for her as well.

The story was intense and well crafted, everything fit together well with it all coming together in an exciting, somewhat scary, and badass ending. I will definitely be waiting for the sequel, which thank you again Rachel Caine will be out very soon (December).