A review by justinegreads
Lotus by Jennifer Hartmann


“but true strength isn’t necessarily overcoming the fight—it is how we fight. it is not within the sword itself, but in how we wield it.

and sometimes, it’s not about survival at all. it’s about living through the worst possible loss, heartache and pain, regardless of whether or not we make it to the other side.”

100% Y E S

holy shit, what a ride, what an emotional rollercoaster this entire story was, the confusion and frustration and heartache and joy i felt while reading this book ohmygod

the plot twist AND the mystery revelation???? Y E S
and the title reveal???? are you kidding me???? i’m LIVING for it

i love oliver so much man, that guy’s been through hell and back, talk about freaking resilience, i will protect him with my life

i need a Gabe book ASAP

(4.75⭐️ | 1