A review by singh_reads_kanwar2
A Silent Voice Complete Collector's Edition 2 by Yoshitoki Oima


A silent voice 4

The story start with Shoya was terribly cruel to Shoko, To make up for his past sins, Shoya has devoted himself to repaying the debt of happiness he owes. So when Shoko faces a romantic setback as her boyfriend give up because of her condition, Shoya assembles some familiar faces from their past for a trip to the amusement park that may just change things for Shoya, Shoko called people who want to redeem themselves for there bad behaviour in the past and they want to meet to clear there problem but will the meeting reunion will be successful or they grew further apart.

A silent voice 5

This volume knew how to make me go from indignation with a certain negligent teacher to rage with the reactions of hypocritical characters like Kawai and Ueno, who in the end are a little different but still give off a certain level of victimhood that I can't stand anything , they both can't stand the blame that they did something wrong and want to Always right kind of character through manipulation or through tears they want to proof themselves right in the eyes of people around them, and here it is in spades. Curious that they have never apologized to Nishimiya when that should be the first step on a long road of acceptance.

By the way, I started loving and admiring Mashiba, although his attitude towards the end leaves me a little annoyed. And although the story continues to address that Mashiba that he have grown as a person. I think that the perfect example or model to follow are Ishida's acts, because he does try to redeem himself and do things as they should have been at the beginning; from respect and empathy. More not from hypocrisy and victimization.

And the ending, that conclusion alone leaves me openly concerned and with a heavy heart in sadness. I didn't expect it one bit and cliffhanger for next part.

A silent voice 6

 The author has decided so after discovering as a reader that Ishida has been left in a coma after trying to prevent Nishimiya's to commit suicide, the truth it hurts too much to know how much life weighs for her, how she can't find a reason to continue living if he can only see himself as a nuisance that constantly makes his family & friends suffer due to his hearing condition alone.

Yuzuru's reactions, her constant care & attention to her older sister, the photos she took of dead animals to try to make her react. Everything makes sense when she discovers that it is not the first time that she thinks and tries to end her existence. It was hard, very hard and brutal, too sad to be in her skin.

We know Sahara, Nagatsuka and Mashiba; whom we did not stop respecting for their good feelings and the empathy behind each of their actions. While Kawai is still just as victimized, he can sense a bit of a change in his mentality for the better. Meanwhile Ueno is still just as despicable and abusive, a truly unsympathetic and self absorbed, pathetic person . The scene of her beating Nishimiya has made me furious. A genuine apology need so that it will show that she regrets the harassment, the bullying and how abusive she has been towards Nishimiya all along.

And as a plus, it also annoys me a lot that Ishida's mother is so passive. It is that the lady shines because of her absence or because of her little ability to take care of her son and do things as she should. She has a very easygoing attitude yet she irritates me.

A silent voice 7

I was supposed to feel tons loads of emotion and the book delivered it as a power punch. It was great at times and boring at times too.The message was good but I guess it just dragged on and on.

Some of actions were unacceptable and some decisions made by Nishimiya were beyond my understanding. Nishimiya as a character wasn't good. She was just plain flat miss goody two shoes and , too much forgiving, too much understanding. I mean she is a human being or god with so much patience. She is allowed to hate people and beat them and be angry with them I just don't find it realistic as her behaviour is more sweeter than sugar. There are scenes that kept me on the verge of anger, others that made me feel sorry and some that made my eyes on the verge of tears, but despite the indignation or sadness there is room for scenes that fill your heart with tenderness. love and happiness. And above all hope.