A review by nday
My Fair Duchess by Megan Frampton


The fifth book in the Dukes Behaving Badly series and oh my, what a delightful addition to the series it was! This was, in a lot of ways, the reverse of the previous book. This time, Genevieve is one of the very rare and most unexpected of the gentry: a duchess in her own right. And Archie is sent to be her temporary steward.

I think this, as with the other books in the series, developed the concept of partnership between the characters so nicely, the way they talked and relied on each other, and helped each other become so much more than they were. I loved the different dynamic between the characters, and the flip of the usual trope.

This had so much to delight in and enjoy, and like the others in the series, was a wonderful slow burn romance that brought on the emotional connection between the characters before the physical was fully explored.

The “mistake” was marvellously done and I enjoyed so much how they came back from it.

I wish there were more books in the series to read beyond one more novella. Give me more please!!