A review by a_chickletz
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee



Of the three books that have been released, this one I think suffered in terms of plot. Nothing really was happening and it was full of character development. Character development however isn't enough to cover this book's ass.

Another thing: I dislike books that most of the scenes take place on a boat. I've seen some books where it works, aka Robin Hobb's The Liveship Traders. But boy oh boy, nothing happened on the boat and or the boat wasn't that determental to the plot. I groaned every time I had to slog through a chapter on a boat or various other boats by other characters.

While I did enjoy the character development and where we are at now in the story, I do think more could have happened and or this was something that could have been wrapped up or tied up in less chapters than it was needed.

We have the show to focus on now, so I'm thinking the author did not want to get too involved so things wouldn't be revealed or explained before the show came out. Let's hope?