A review by library_of_a_trashpanda
Bad Wrong Things by C.P. Harris


This book. This book gripped me from chapter one and drug me through it. In the best way.

It’s a bit taboo, father figure kind of thing. But you can’t help but hope for Raven. Raven had a rough start to life, then he met Clint. Clint took him in and raised him along side his son, who becomes Raves best friend/brother. Raven gets older and realizes, he is in love with Clint. Enter the angst. Their relationship is not what it should be. But dear goodness is it everything you want. The last quarter of the book about killed me, but it is so worth it. Clint and Raven learn so much about themselves and they claw their way to a HEA. The story focuses mostly on them with small appearances from a couple others. But it really doesn’t need the background noise, which I think is portrayed intentionally.

The s*x. Wowey. It is spicing hard and I loved it. It’s not always for the feint of heart, so know that going in. But it’s absolutely