A review by cullen_mi
Bridge 108 by Anne Charnock


4.5 stars. This was a pleasant surprise, as I've never heard of this author before and I picked it up on a whim from a NetGalley offer.

I would describe this as speculative fiction. It feels like it could take place anywhere from ten to fifty years in the future, as climate change accelerates northward European migration and countries such as France have to adjust and react. There are a few tech advances described although the story would probably stand up without them.

Each chapter is from the point of view of a different character, many of whom only get one chapter. This largely works very well although there are a couple of awkward moments (one that jumps out is a character explicitly stating his name and occupation; all the other writing feels like natural internal monologue).

The plot was engaging, the characters all worked, the ending was effective, and it was the perfect length. Really enjoyable.