A review by mackle13
Of Blood and Honey: A Book of the Fey and the Fallen by Stina Leicht


It took me forever to read this book. In fairness, it was my work-out read which means it only got, roughly, 20-30 minutes 3 times a week - but, usually, after awhile I bump up my work-out read to my main read, but I never had any real desire to be bothered.

Now, I like the premise - setting the story in Ireland during the Troubles, and Leicht seemed to really capture the air of the time period.

But it's also one of those books where the protagonist doesn't really know what's going on, even though everyone else around him does, but they're not telling him to protect him, but not telling him is what ends up hurting him, and I really freaking hate those kinds of books. It's always so frustrating, for me, to read them and I know shit like this happens in real life but, come on!

More than that, though, there's the fact that it just all felt kind of flat. Liam is beaten and tortured and just abused to excess, but the emotional impact never really feels fully explored. I mean, there were a few times where I was horrified or saddened by what happened, but it never really hit with that gut-punching sort of feeling that it should've had.

And the ending was sort of sudden and anti-climactic. It was like it was setting up the story until the last few chapters and then, bam, it's over.

Also, since it focused mostly on Liam, and since things were never really explained to him, the whole aspect of the Fae vs the Fallen vs the Church wasn't explored as much as it could've been.

I would have hopes for the next in the series, since it does show some potential, but the ending kind of left me flat about even that because it seems like Liam still needs most of the next book to get his head sorted out and, honestly, I don't think I'm interested in going along with him.