A review by alexleo13
Endings and Beginnings by Parker Williams, K.C. Wells


I had read the 7th book of this series almost 6 months ago, and had kept “Endings and Beginnings” on my TBR list just because the books of Collars & Cuffs are a challenge for readers and I needed to take a break. Once you immerse yourself in this world, you just can’t stop and all the characters and couples become friends to the reader and stay in your heart long after you have put the book down.

So reading this last chapter of the saga was like a family reunion for me. And the authors managed to dedicate the right amount of pages and description to each of the couples of the former books, without impacting on the development of the relationship between the last couple of this big family, Darren and JJ.

A wonderful ending that leaves to the reader to make up in one’s mind what the future holds for each of these incredible couples.