A review by spinebreaker_101
The Hunting Moon by Susan Dennard


After finishing the first book, I ended up hating the beginning of this one. Luckily, the rest was salvaged and the rating is overall the same as the first. One thing that I miss from the first book is the illustrations that mimic the Compendium - I feel like there wasn’t much of these here, and if there were some, it was mostly nightmares that we’ve already seen.

It is understandable that Winnie was experiencing some trauma after her last trials in the forest, but she became too whiny for my liking in the first 20%. It seemed silly to build up the significance of Winnie’s burning desire to become a Luminary again throughout the first book, just to have her hate the entirety of Hemlock Falls and its whole concept, and wanting nothing to do with the topic in the second. I thoroughly hope that this isn’t going to be a lasting sentiment in the book(s).

Super predictable from the very first book but I also didn’t mind that too much due to the way it was revealed. Winnie’s interactions with the nightmares remained quite interesting and entertaining, and now the introduction of the Dianas is adding something new to the mix. I hope more questions get answered in the next book.