A review by confusedvonne
The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik


I think at some point in future I need to read all three books one after another just so I remember what had happened previously, plus the mention of many characters, I literally forgot who they are and what they did to be important to the story.

This series is worth a second read, firstly to figure out the relationships / references between characters and to better understand the magic system. Every time I thought I understood it, next sentence I read undid all my brain power that I put into trying to work out what was going on.

But enjoyable read nevertheless. El is still a complicated character, which is at least consistent. I wish we got to see more of a romance but what we got at the end of was nice wrapped up present with a bow on the top - There was nothing wrong with the ending, I just wish it was a little more solid. The ending is left wide open, though it ends on a positive note.

I hoped there was more scene time for the 'Villain', I use the quotation marks because the Villain wasn't much of one - more like another player who had the same goal as El, but went down a different path. This character was really interesting and I would of liked to see more of them.

This was overall a good series, one with very complex magic system that I still don't wholly understand but I still had a great time reading. There were moments where I found El's monologue had drained on for too long, but it quickly passed by with some action to speed the scene up.