A review by ladyofthelake68
The Princes of Ireland: The Dublin Saga by Edward Rutherfurd


Overall, this was a good book, although a bit difficult. The book takes place over 1100 years. Each chapter follows a different generation and their struggles during the time of the druids, the vikings, Irish high Kings and the English take-over. The book ends during the reign of King Henry VIII and the Catholic Irish forced to comply with the Protestant church. Because of this layout, there are a couple of chapters that I did not enjoy, and some that took me forever to read.
There are a few parts of the book that made me a bit uncomfortable. I hated how all the women (at least for the first few chapters) were portrayed as seductresses and all of the men were easily seduced. Most of the women were not very intelligent either. Perhaps this is okay though. Most of the characters felt like real people and were not the perfect versions that I thought they should be. People make mistakes, such is life. Nobody is perfect. I did like how each generation had similar elements to the last, but they were still different people with different goals and values.
The book is fictitious although there are some parts that are based on history. It is not for everyone, but I am personally glad I read it.