A review by crystalisreading
Wonder Woman: Love and Murder by Jodi Picoult


Having never really read or watched anything about Wonder Woman before, and actually never having read anything by Jodi Picoult, I came into this story without expectations, other than the art seemed vivid, colorful and distinct. I definitely enjoyed the art, and found the story interesting too. I appreciated that in Picoult's foreword, she said she tried to get them to put Wonder Woman in something with straps, because all women know you can't fight in a bustier. No go. I noticed several panels, too, where, while doing something otherwise not sexual, Wonder Woman is displayed in ridiculously sexual positions--legs splayed, buttocks in the air, cleavage on display, etc. Those elements distracted me a little, but overall I enjoyed the story. There was a lot of navel gazing and internal debate, but without Wonder Woman background, I don't know if that's distinct to Picoult's writing, or if it's just how Wonder Woman is. Sometimes the ruminations felt a bit repetitious, but for the most part, I liked this the same way I liked the second Captain America movie, in that it took characters who seem almost too "good" to relate to, and makes them question their motivations and really face what they are doing and why. It makes the story richer for me. I enjoyed Nemesis and his banter as well, and found Circe and Hippolyta to be interesting adversaries/ complications for Diana. I would read more Wonder Woman, and/or see the movie (if they ever finally make one), based on my enjoyment of this series.