A review by sillyselkie
Watch Your Back by Karen Rose


The fact that Karen Rose's books are always so formulaic usually never bothered me as much as it did with this one. Watch Your Book was overlong and I thought the suspense and black and white good guys vs. bad guys aspect was incredibly overdone. I just... intensely dislike that her books tend to follow the exact same structure. Beautiful, feisty, self-confident career-driven woman, with a dark and broken past, meets brooding, flawless, strong, usually wealthy, successful man, also with a dark past. They love each other, they hate each other, she manages to get kidnapped at the end, or else threatened by the killer, there are always some dogs involved (seriously, the poodles, the bassett, the retrievers, the rottweiler, etc). They then get their happy ending, end up married with children and they lived happily ever after.

I just wish there could be some change, some more diverse characters and relationships. Like remaining unmarried, maybe lgbt couples, anything different really. Speaking if lgbt, the whole "cocksucker" jib in the book really bothered me. Not only was it childish and unprofessional, but also incredibly unfunny... and I found it slightly homophobic as well. It just got really annoying after a while. That is not to say that Rose's books aren't good. I've enjoyed many of them. I've often loved the suspense and brutality, as well as the characters from previous books being interwoven... But Watch Your Back simply disappointed me.