A review by ellaellaellaetc
Milk Fed by Melissa Broder


pls don't read this if you have an ed but pls read this if you're actually crazy and weird. pls read this if you're lowkey a deranged sapphic stalker. pls read this is you love books about odd women. anyway... this is about a thin jewish girl who has a really horrifying relationship with food (and food restriction). she ends up meeting another girl that's fat and who works at her favourite frozen yogurt place, the girl won't stop trying to feed her and then things happen. 

guys I've been meaning to pick this up for literally years and I'm so glad I did! melissa broder is a weird little freak and I love her for it. this character's voice was so strong and idk if I would say that I enjoyed following her on her journey but I felt feelings and was intrigued which is always good. slay :) 4 stars