A review by librarygurl
The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde


OMG I love Jasper Fforde! He is one of those authors that I know I will enjoy, but for some crazy reason, do not ravenously consume when he has a new book. When I walked the isle's of BEA I paused when I saw his name. Honestly, bless the Welsh for their odd looking names. It never fails to grab my attention. This book is full of whimsy. That's the best way to describe Fforde's work: whimsical. He uses fantasy and whimsy to show the world and mock it. The world of The Last Dragon Slayer is 2011 in the sense of technology, politics, corporate manipulations, people's entitlement, etc. The only difference is that it isn't our world. There is magic, Dragons, Quarkbeasts, Trolls and more. Fforde does not take his magic out of the world, he blends it together.
I flew through this book. I picked it up on night before going to bed and then finished it the next night. I only stopped reading because I had to sleep, go to work and meet people for dinner. This book is an easy read because it is a young adult book and because Fforde is easy to read. He can be wordy, but it's in the whimsical way. Sometimes I would read a few lines and think about how I would do that if I were writing for National Novel Writing Month. For example: Gordon can Gordon Gordonson ap Gordon-Gordon of Gordon is totally a name I would use to extend my word count. That's not why Fforde did it, but still, he did it.
There were things I wish I understood better during the reading of this book. There are characters call Berzerkers that play an important role, but are never really explained in the novel. For all the history we get of magic, dragons and other creatures that aren't as important, Fforde fails to explains some important things adequately. I understand this is a series and something he will hopefully address later, but I am not sure how long it will be before i pick up that sequel.
Who will enjoy this: people who enjoy fantasy, whimsey and Fforde's fans. This is something adults can read with teens and enjoy.