A review by takethyme
Finders Keepers by Linnea Sinclair


[b:Finders Keepers|352725|Finders Keepers|Linnea Sinclair|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1408434463s/352725.jpg|2873480], a futuristic romance, had a wonderful blend of interesting characters, a shot of come-what-may reality and wonderful chemistry between the hero and heroine. There are many futuristic romances that have been written over the years but rarely are they this good.

Both a strong and smart heroine, Captain Trilby Elliot had to land unexpectedly on Avanar, an illegal repair site. While there she met Rhis Vanur, an independent trader, or so she thought. Before long, they are hunted by a race intent on taking over all-the-known universe. And so their adventures began.

Plenty of action is incorporated within the pages. And, of course, Trilby and Rhis do their best to avoid a romance but it is unavoidable when they work together in such close quarters. I loved this stubborn couple's gradual development of their relationship.

Linnea Sinclair is a gifted storyteller and made this a fun read. This story had just the right amount of wit, some comical moments and love scenes that sizzled. If you are looking for a good futuristic romance, take a chance and read [b:Finders Keepers|352725|Finders Keepers|Linnea Sinclair|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1408434463s/352725.jpg|2873480]. You will be glad you did.