A review by naiapard
The Unseelie Prince by Kathryn Ann Kingsley


I read the entire installment in one sitting. That is, if you liked this review, you can check out my review for the other three books by following the respective hyperlinks: The Unseelie Crown (Maze of Shadows, #2)\\The Unseelie Throne (Maze of Shadows #3)\\The Unseelie King (Maze of Shadows #4)

At the time when I started this series, I was just coming off the [b:The Awakening|46261182|The Awakening (Zodiac Academy, #1)|Caroline Peckham|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1560277389l/46261182._SY75_.jpg|71248761] ride. I was looking for something similar in tone and possibly a series that will last me a little bit as I was trying to recover from the intake of books that I had taken.

This is the installment that I liked the best from this author. I also tried the The Contortionist (Harrow Faire, #1), the Harrow Faire series but that one creeped me out a bit and I did not enjoy as much.

This book tells the story of one girl, Abigail, who is stolen by the one and only Unseelie Prince, Valroy, to be used by him as he sees fit in order to break the curse that was put on him by an even stronger and more ancient entity than him.

But Abigail is not as an easy target as he thinks she is. She goes nose to nose with him at every chance she gets and makes his day as unbearable as he is making it hers to be. She is paying back with everything she has on her while being at the obvious disadvantage of being human.

This is a really fun read-through which you can flow by.

“Witty enough to keep him entertained, stupid enough to challenge him, fiery enough to fight back, but smart enough to know when to cower in fear. For his needs—of which he now had a few more upon meeting her—she would do quite nicely.”

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