A review by divapitbull
Crash & Burn by Abigail Roux


I can’t believe it’s over. I think I need a period of mourning before I can actually read something else. Maybe start at the beginning of the series and re-read all my favorite parts. I was debating on 4 or 5 stars. My first inclination was 4 because while Ty and Zane together were perfect – there was an awful lot of time taken up with…plot. I realize that for most people, a book being taken up with plot is not a bad thing…but I’ve always been in the Cut & Run series for the relationship building, the witty bantering, the chemistry, the hot sex and sappy sweet that encompasses Ty and Zane.

So yes, I get that the plot was actually crucial to wrapping up the story....and thus necessary…and it was nice to see Ty and Zane ride off into the sunset together (figuratively speaking). And the Ty and Zane that was present…was actually….perfect…so 5 stars to the ending of an absolutely stellar series.

I actually kind of liked all the cameos. If was fun to see the parents’ reactions to the nuptials. And nice to see Zane’s mother actually have a maternal instinct. I like the comfortable, solidarity of the Ty and Zane relationship and the fact that they still manage to have some pretty hot chemistry – even after 8 books – it doesn’t get old. I liked how all the Sidewinder boys came together with Liam and Julian and the FBI team to help out – but truth be told, really I would have liked less guest star appearances and more Ty and Zane. And yes I would have liked less Nick and Kelly. I like them, I really do – just not when they’re sucking up space in the last book of the series. (Unless Ty and Zane get to suck up some space in the next Sidewinder books – in which case – it’s all good).

Thank you to whichever reviewer (I’m so sorry I don’t specifically remember who) encouraged me to keep going to the very end of the end to get the little Brick & Mortar bonus ficlet. Very short and very sweet – the future of Ty and Zane.