A review by read2menow
Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia


I really wanted to give this book 4 stars. Because its a spin off of one of my favorite YA series. But the fact is this, the author completely changes Ridley Duchannes. The character I read in this book did not have the same personality that was shown in Beautiful Creatures or from any of the series. This was a new Ridley, someone who was insecure and wasn't ever sure of who she was. I'm sorry, but it was not the same person I had read and loved. I enjoyed the story for what it was and I will read the other books. But my thoughts will never be of the same person, it will be this new character that she decided to create for spin off.

I also had a problem with the characters lack of knowledge of today's day to day life and technology. Ridley was not asleep for 500 years and awoke to a world of new technology and so on. She was raised around the mortal world and acted like she didn't know how to use a cell phone, didn't know what a tablet was, and so on. It just did sit well with me. I understand characters that are magical and live in a magical world that does not reflect what the mortal world looks like. J.K. Rowling did an amazing job showing that. But Kami missed the mark completely and really just made Ridley look even stupider.

The book was not what I expected, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I just wish their had been more and the author had stayed true to Ridley.