A review by attackrat
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz

  • Strong character development? No


I absolutely loved most of this, adored it. I like Clara, love Sal, and love the premise. I really did not like the ending though. Enough to take it down a full 1.5 stars :(

Sal goes through this major event and has everything in her life change, and Clara is just… the same. Unchanged, nothing about her character grows. They embark on a journey together because that’s what she wants, and she gets it. And Sal’s growth feels mean spirited, like Clara “fixes” her by the end of the book. Like sure she literally does fix her at one point but Sal isn’t treated like a person enough, not given any agency. She makes choices based on not having any and then makes one because she straight up has to after the shop burns down. For making a slight commentary on personhood it didn’t really delve into its own arguments, and in fact worked against them. Made me sad after I spent 71% adoring this book.