A review by alphabetseeds
The Wood Wife by Terri Windling


This is a slow, low-stakes novel that took its time to set up but once the meat of the story was going, I was absolutely enchanted.

Windling combines English folklore with mythology and beliefs from the Southwest in a spectacular way. It took just the right amount of time for the otherworldly events to start happening, enough for me to get invested and have solid roots into who the main character was and what her motivations were.

There's not a lot I can say without spoiling, but this is a story about the roots we put down as humans and what we take and give back to our environments, both physically and spiritually. It's about environmentalism and art and sacrifice. It's about letting your life change when it needs to without letting go of who you were before.

This is some quintessentially '90s contemporary fantasy, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks to my sister for gifting it to me for my birthday.