A review by callmecat
Extras by Scott Westerfeld


I loved this book! I don't know if it was because my expectations were so low after Specials, or what. But I loved it. And I love the fact that even though that boy is all about radical honesty, it's because he's a natural liar and therefore he doesn't condemn her for it! He likes her in spite of her faults and she likes him in spite of his. That's so nice.

It was also really fun to see Tally from an outside perspective. It was particularly neat to get an explanation of her and Shay's relationship. That they're off-and-on friends who love each other and hate each other but are inextricably connected. But it still makes me sad that Tally is still so different and scary than she was in Uglies. I miss that Tally. But she did have to change. (Did she have to change into THAT though?) But that's why I liked the part where David said, "Thanks for helping her rewire herself a little more."

This series is so freaking weird. I've never read anything like it. It's like a crazy person wrote it. And this last book had a lot of that too. But it was mostly at the END. And that was for the best.

It's also nice that Aya and Hiro are both a big part of this story. Because I don't read a lot of sibling stories like this, where they're allies. Usually they're either really close or they hate each other or they like each other but keep their distance. But in this one they like each other and they DON'T keep their distance. Yay.

I also really enjoyed the Sly Girls. I like how that ended up.

And the whole world they were in was interesting too. A city obsessed with youtube! (Basically) With flying personal cameras (that you can direct!) EVERYWHERE. And yet they also still edit what they post. I was kind of fascinated with the whole thing. Although a little sad that the poor vs rich divide was still so strong. Oh well, human nature. The story was really fun though.