A review by friendlyghosty
Firespell by Chloe Neill


Firespell is different. Not part of the cookiecutter trend of vampires and werewolf stories that seem to infiltrate every story. (not that that's bad...but this book just stands out) While it does have a werewolf in it, you dont get the same vibe off him. I really found myself rooting for Scout and Lily. Great, great characters.

The relationship between Lily and Jason often confused me though. it was interesting and unusual, but it kind of just hits you in the face with its suddenness. On the other hand, Scout and Michael's i feel was MUCH more complicated and deeper. i often wanted the story to be in Scout's point of view instead. all the action happened to her. Im just kind of tired of clueless characters, you know?? The day-to-day life was a little much though. i understand she was at a new school and maybe the author was trying to help us have the experience with Lily, but it got a bit repetitive.

Anyway, completely original, this story caught my attention immediately. I read it in barely two days, and that was only because i fell asleep while reading it. I am so pumped to getting the second one, HEXBOUND, but that comes out in 2011. sigh. I have no doubt it will be worth the wait because the author has set up a fantastic dark world with many secrets and prosed questions i feel will be answered later!!!