A review by ajam
C Programming: A Modern Approach by K. N. King

Did not finish book.
Pitched as the spiritual (& updated) successor to K&R's [b:The C Programming Language|515601|The C Programming Language|Brian W. Kernighan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1391032531l/515601._SX50_.jpg|3715970] , this one does a good enough job, however it hasn't been updated since '08 and is based on C99. Granted, the language hasn't changed significantly, still the succeeding iterations; C11, > C17 and soon to be revised and released C2x, coupled with the fact that it's 2021 and there are infinitely better (& Interactive) and Updated resources freely available, wouldn't recommend unless one really likes antique weighty textbooks, in such case nvm....