A review by stucknbooks14
The Boss Who Stole Christmas by Jana Aston


Kissing Nick is like finding out that Santa is coming twice this year. And he’s bringing things you didn’t even think about putting on your list.

I knew going into this, I wouldn’t be satisfied with this as just a novella. I need more more more! “Seductive, like a plate full of your favorite Christmas cookies. The kind that takes too long to make but melt in your mouth and remind you of your childhood” not only perfectly described Nick, but it also perfectly described my feelings towards the book! Holly comes up with every excuse possible why she can’t join Nick in Germany for the work trip, except he throws it right back at her, so she finally accepts the loss. Which was never going to be a loss. After years of working together, Holly starts to see all the sweet pieces of Nick. The parts she’s been ignoring because she’s been too busy finding him obnoxious and controlling. And then of course, he went and unwrapped her like a present and appreciated every inch of what was inside. Nick and Holly did a glorious job making it tense and awkward afterwards and until they finally get it together!

My Favorite Quotes:
•”Alles, was ich zu Weihnachten möchte, ist einen Kuss von dir.”
•”It’s not a scowl when it’s directed at you. It’s pent-up sexual frustration.”
•”Should we move this back to the hotel?” “You can’t wait that long.”
•”Let me take care of you.”
•”I’m not sure there’s room for you at the inn.”
•”Don’t stop touching me.”

7/10 Dirty Birdy
6/10 Forced Proximity
7/10 Workplace Romance