A review by thebritishbibliophile
Pink Moon: A Magic and Mayhem Motorcycle Club Romance by K.O. Newman, Mariah Thayer


'Taken to the moon and back with this gritty, sensual, powerful read by equally as so women. A must read for absolutely everyone! - The British Bibliophile

Thank you to K.O.Newman & Mariah Thayer for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and leave an honest review.

Before I get into the main part of my review, I have something to say to the two sensational authors of this novel. As I was turning the pages from the cover to the title page, imagine my surprise when I turn to see my name in the dedication. Hand on heart I thought I'd accidentally skipped to the acknowledgements! This is the first time in my entire life that I've had a book dedicated TO me, rather than just my name popping up as a surprise in the acknowledgements. I've not been able to stop forgetting about seeing it since first seeing it not too long ago. I'm an overly sentimental person to begin with, and this touching and very, very much appreciated tribute makes me well up every time I think about it. Ladies, it's been and continues to be an honour and a pleasure to support talented writers & humans such as yourselves, and I cannot and probably won't stop thanking you enough for this touching gesture. It made my day, week and month all in one! Much love to you both always! P.S, welling up...again!

Now...onto the review!

Pink Moon is a continuation of the prior book in the series, Crow Moon. Crow Moon is where we meet everyone including our star player in this novel, Justice. If you haven't read that yet, go grab a copy before picking up Pink Moon. Where both can be read as a standalone, it's best to start with Crow Moon to get the full bad boy (and girl) biker experience.

Moving again this nomad chapter does, we're shifted onto a remote desert island in Maine. Props to the authors for shifting locations and keeping things fresh and interesting as the journey continues. Whereas its not bad to keep the setting the same, especially if there is to be more than one book in a series, moving the setting fits well with the element of the nomad chapter of the Blood Moon Riders MC, hence the name. Nomad. Without a home, these biker bitches and brutes settle onto the island to solve a mystery. Only, more was in store for Justice when setting foot on the island than solving the mystery alone.

Enter, Domino (Aka 'Dom') and Reno.

What's better than one book boyfriend? Two! Justice certainly appreciated it, over and over again. It was Dom who first initially came to the island, the reason why you'll find out as you read, then not too long later, Justice and her chapter lead by Crow turned up. Thus the power of three was born! Justice, Dom and Reno were meant to be, blessed by the Goddess. Normally in relationships there's time to get to know people, but on an island where time seems to be warped and royally messed up, everything is on 10x speed for this threesome. Quickly getting to know each other in more ways than one, they were a force to be reckoned with when taking on everything that was quite literally thrown at the stranded chapter.

I also guessed correctly and said that K.O.Newman wrote Crow and Mariah wrote Hex, so I'm going to guess that K.O.Newman is responsible for Dom and Mariah for Reno. Ladies, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not expecting a two-for-two, but I'll be blown away if I'm right again. Update - I half got it right. Woo-hoo!

If its steam you're looking for? You got it! With an MMF romance, extra is always guaranteed but it's how the author (or authors) write the steam, smut and sexiness into the novel that truly matters. Crow Moon with Hex and Crow were a hot pair, but prepare for that hotness level to be cranked up tenfold with this trio. I love a good MMF steamy read, but this one really got the blood-a-pumpin'. Bring a fan with you when sitting down to read this, you're going to need it. For real. These ladies brought *clap* the *clap again* heat!

Updated —> The story explores more than what is merely at the surface. This group is more than just a badass biker gang, there are so many things layers to each and every one of them which are explored in-depth throughout this book. Ultimately, K.O. & Mariah show both through their characters (Justice, Dom & Reno), the desire to hold on to what’s close to you, not to waste time, take things for granted, to cherish every moment and fight for those who would fight for you. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Updated —> One of the main messages I personally got from Pink Moon, is that family is most definitely not defined by blood. Each of these fated mates will indeed find their match (or matches), in ways the Goddess will deem fit, appropriate or maybe even comical, but the group as a whole, the BMRMC, IS a family. They’re more than your average witch-infused biker gang. No matter mate, friend, VP, prospect or prez, every member of this two-wheeled family will defend to the ends of the earth, the members of their MC.

And fear not! This stellar read did NOT end on a cliffhanger but rather a continuation that doesn't leave you--or me--frustrated at the end. Their journey as a threesome has only just begun, but the story continues for the BMRMC, and I'm living for every word to come!

Updated —> Knowing this book was written under very difficult circumstances for one of the authors only heightens my admiration for the dedication, drive and desire to deliver only the best bookish creation they could muster. Supported, of course, by their co-author. I’m very proud that this project wasn’t abandoned by one or both authors, and that we get the chance to read, love and appreciate both them and the book’s final product.

I said it in my review for Crow Moon and I'm thrilled I can back myself up on this, this is a series to watch and honestly would make any person's bookcase/shelf look sexier for having these beauties on them. Cannot wait for more of this gang!

K.O., Mariah, I’m very honoured to be giving you two, once again, five stars for your combined and triumphantly valiant effort in delivering a must read novel not just of 2022, but a must read novel. Period.