A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Monarchs by Danielle Paige, Kass Morgan


I was really looking forward to the first book in this duology. Kass Morgan is one of my favorite authors and a story about a sorority of witches sounded like a perfect fit for me. However, the book was not as amazing as I had hoped it would be and therefore I had never gotten to the second book in the series. While browsing a second hand bookstore I found a copy though and I was more than curious enough to buy it and to start reading.

I ended up enjoying this book a lot more than the first one. Maybe it's because my expectations were lower. Maybe it's because there is a lot less romantic drama in this book and a lot more dangerous magic. Maybe it's also because in this book the characters are not getting stronger and stronger throughout the story. They're getting weaker and weaker and have to find a way to protect themselves and the entire world anyway.

I also liked how this book forced our witches to grow as people. It's one thing when the danger is coming from one of your own. It's different if so many people hate you that people are doing whatever they can to hurt you. The girls are forced to look in the mirror, to look at who they've become and to understand that maybe they are not completely to blame for what's happening, but they're not completely blameless either.

The finale of the book and the eventual aftermath were also truly amazing and satisfying. I really liked how everything came together nicely and how this really felt like a happily ever after, despite the fact that I'm quite certain the authors could come up with countless more stories set in this world. However, these characters have been through enough, I really felt for them in this book, so I hope they have a nice and calm future!