A review by courtney_saba
Asking for It by Lilah Pace


The taboo was very nice as well as the mature discussion about limits, boundaries, and trust between the characters during their encounters, but the heroine ended up using and manipulating our hero, and I wasn't too pleased about this.

Beyond the sex, the other stuff was just filler and boring.

I understood the fantasy and the sexual chemistry, but the emotional chemistry and connection wasn't there. They were in lust with each other and attached themselves to the first person that allowed them to live out their fantasies. That's it. There can be trust there and/or a friends with benefits situation, but I didn't see the romance as believable.

Also, why must a person who has rape fantasies have baggage, be damaged, broken, working on something, have rape or abuse in their background? As if a functional normal person couldn't have these fantasies, too. I get the context, the purpose, and I appreciated the therapist in the story, but our heroine was not really getting better. She was coming to rely on it solely for her pleasure and push her personal problems away bc there was someone willing to indulge her for once. She had more than a few issues as a person and as a character. She wasn't the most likeable person and this detracted from the entertainment factor.

And nothing gets me more pissed off than when family members, the people who are supposed to believe you and support you, don't believe what you tell them and brush it off as a story rather than a true fact. Trying not to spoil it here, but the context in the summary is pretty obvious.

Overall, it could've been better. It started out great, but then there was no character development. The hero's backstory is the main focus in the sequel, and I really can't continue with this duology.

Happy reading, Goodreads fiends.

TW: sexual assault on page (not by hero - caveat here - there is rape fantasy play between 2 consenting adults/hero+heroine, but this may be a trigger for some).