A review by writingcoe
The Heir to the North by Steven Poore


I absolutely devoured this book; it’s fresh, original, and I didn’t see any of the twists coming. I think HTTN may have even surpassed The Copper Promise and Spark & Carousel in my estimation! It’s an exciting, brilliant and entertaining read that is absolutely worth picking up.

The writing is excellent; the places and descriptions are fabulous, and the entire world has history behind it. You feel that each place has an untold story, and even the throwaway lines of brief description about a particular land give you a sense if it.

I love the way the plot turns; the baddie isn’t bad, the goodie isn’t good, the hero isn’t a hero. Having the story from Cassia’s perspective lends a nice twist to the “hero quest” trait, and is a nice POV. The plot rolls along nicely, and never feels forced; the twists are unexpected (at least to me) and I was kept interested all the way through. Cassia’s change is nicely done and we grow along with her; Meredith is an interesting character, and Baum is tangled, deep and believable. I won’t spoiler but will say that the other main character is excellently done; wry and interesting and poignant. Steven J Poore certainly managed a 180 degree shift in my feelings, apparently effortlessly!