A review by captwinghead
Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies by Greg Rucka


This was just okay. I really wanted to like this more.

Rucka is jumping through hoops to fix the fucked up history Diana was given in New 52 Wonder Woman. When Azzarello decided to get rid of the "made of clay" origin and shove more of the gods in, a lot of people were pissed. He took an inherently feminist origin and made it about Hippolyta getting in on with Olympus' most famous man whore (and rapist depending on your mythos). I enjoyed some of that run but I get why Rucka would want to return Diana to what she was originally. She is a symbol of female empowerment from a society made up entirely of strong women. I appreciate his dedication to her history.

However, I don't always love the way he tells Wonder Woman stories. He tends to give us more of other people reacting to Diana and less Diana.

This begins with a very lackluster issue where Diana realizes that she's been lied to. The whole issue is her making her way through a jungle (?) and going over all the lies she's believed over the years. She has to search for the truth and she thinks that truth is in Themyscira. This portion is okay. Nothing super special, but it's okay.

She ends up searching for Cheetah to get there, or at least I think that's why she went looking for Barbara Ann. Unfortunately, the entirety of this arc with the misogynistic god did fuck all for me. I wasn't interested in Barbara Ann or the rambling magic words to bring the god back at all.

I enjoyed the stuff with Etta Candy and Steve Trevor (holy shit is he attractive in this book) more than a lot of the Wonder Woman stuff. Steve Trevor was funny and gorgeous and he believes in Diana so much. It was wonderful to see.

I enjoyed the mall scene and the nods to the writers and artists that have come before this series.

That was really it. There wasn't a ton for me to like about this series and that's a shame. Rucka's a legendary writer but this series, so far, didn't really do anything for me.

I'll definitely keep reading the series but I'll probably just borrow it instead of buying it.