A review by mockingjay16
The Midnight Dance by Nikki Katz


This book was difficult to rate, and it hovered between 3 and 4 stars for a few days until I settled on 3, for two overarching reasons:

1) the romance. It was sloppy at times, Cricket just seemed to love her all the time and the way her memories suddenly came back with all that clarity - leading her to suddenly fall back in love, was plain annoying.

2) some serious plot holes and the anachronism. I did not feel as though I was in Italy in the 1800s. Parts felt too modern, the dialogue and behaviour of the characters did not, for me, reflect the time they were supposedly in.

However, putting this aside, I thought the ideas were unique and definitely captured my interest. The gothic background of the school and the mysterious master were really well created, and the secondary characters were strong and likeable (Beppe, Tatiana, Alidoro, etc).