A review by ljrinaldi
Winnie Zeng Vanquishes a King by Katie Zhao


Winnie returns to try to save the day, as a shaman in training. This is the second book of the series, and this time she faces David, who she has to work with, but also Kelly, who is a stuck up, know-it-all shaman first class from Chicago, who feels that she can protect the whole town without any help from the likes of David or Winnie.

And, as with the first book, of course there are treats to be made and eaten, along with the recipes to boot. This time is it almond cookies and egg tarts.

The tricky bit in this book is that the evil spirits are taking on forms of everyday people, such as the mayor and his wife, so it is hard to figure out who the demons are. Winnie tries her best, through it all, although there are times when I wanted to shout at her for not recognizing a demon.

Still and all, a fun second book in the series, and here is hoping there are more to come.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review