A review by libralita
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson


Post-Oathbringer Read Through: http://libralita.tumblr.com/post/170307999647/post-oathbringer-alloy-of-law-reread

Second Read Through:

I guess I’m still on the Mistborn reread train. This review does contain spoilers for the other Wax and Wayne books and Secret History. So if you haven't read those books, then don't read this. This was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed going back to Era 2 with all it’s new technology and the tons of new curses. I liked this book a little less because the serious lack of Steris. I guess that’s what the next two books are for.


“My friend, annotated with locations as per your instructions. ~Nazh”—City of Elendel Map

Hey, Nazh.

“Lessie, I’m three months older than you are”—Wax, Page 18

Haha, no you aren’t.

“She’d been dried in the same manner, body spiked to the wall in a very specific pose, as if she were on her knees inspecting a pile of rocks.”—Page 23


“I have seen Death himself, with the nails in his eyes. I have seen the Survivor, who is life.”—Tan, Page 24

I guess Marsh and Kell have been hanging out with Bloody Tan.

“‘Many men never get a chance to create true art,’ Tan said. ‘And the best performances are those which can never be reproduced. Months, years, spent preparing. Everything place right. But at the end of the day, the rotting will begin. I couldn’t truly mummify them; I hadn’t the time or resources. I could only preserve them long enough to prepare for this one show. Tomorrow, it will be ruined. You were the only one to see it. Only you. I figure…we’re all just puppets…you see…’”—Page 24

Preserved and ruined, ay? Also this idea of being puppets and control sounds an awful like Trell.

All the small references to the original trilogy are making me sad and happy.

“He couldn’t Pull on metals, only Push—he wasn’t some mythological Mistborn from the old stories, like the Survivor or the Ascendant Warrior.”—Page 32

Brandon had to come up with some way to not make his characters too overpowered. So no more Mistborns! I doubt this will stay.

“so one learned to take what [Wayne] said with a pinch of copper.”—Page 32

Does Scadrial, or at least the Basin, not have salt?

“He was followed by a stern-looking woman with golden hair fixed into a tight bun—his daughter, Steris—”—Page 48

My wife!

“‘Well,’ Waxillium said. ‘Perhaps I should begin by asking after your health.’
‘Perhaps you should,’ Steris replied.
‘Er. Yes. How’s your health?’
‘So is Waxillium.’ Wayne added.
They all turned to him.
‘You know,’ he said. ‘He’s wearing a suit, and all. Suitable.’”—Page 50

Some people just don’t appreciate a good pun.

“‘I suggest that you never ask her to pass the milk,’ Wayne added under his breath, so only Waxillium could hear. ‘As she seems likely to throw a cow at you, just to be certain the job is done thoroughly.’”—Page 52

You leave Steris alone, Wayne.

“‘I have been working on an autobiography,’ she said. ‘Perhaps I will send you a chapter or two of it by post.’”—Page 56

I would love to read that. Also I’m sure it got a whole lot interesting after Wax entered her life.

“Aluminum and a few of its alloys were Allomantically inert; you couldn’t Push or Pull on them. It was also very expensive. It cost more than even gold and platinum.”—Page 58


“Even though he knew the Words of Founding had given hints regarding electricity, what men had achieved still seemed incredible.”—Page 64

Words of Founding, interesting.

“Preservation’s Wings”? I think at the end of Hero of Ages when Elend saw Vin her hair looked like wings so I think that this is referring to.

“Waxillium had been converted to the Path soon after leaving Elendel. He was still convinced that the woman he’d met on the train ride must have been one of the Faceless Immortals, the hands of Harmony. She’d give him his earring; ever Pathian wore one while praying.”—Page 74

Yep, she was.

“The Yomens are powerful, even if they do believe in Sliverism. Horrid religion. Imagine, revering Ironeyes himself.”—Page 78

Ay, Marsh has his own religion and of course it’s the Yomens who believe it.

“The bride and groom arrived, and people rose to clap. Lord Joshin and Lady Mi’chelle; Waxillium didn’t know them, though he did wonder why they were speaking with a scrubby man who looked like a beggar, dress all in black.”—Page 80

I’m assuming this is Hoid.

The entire conversation about shoot dog balls is so great.

“It did take a great deal of my time, though Wayne’s paper gave me a good head start. Fortunately, my uncle’s library had extensive genealogical resources. It was a hobby of his. But what do you think?”—Wax, Page 137

Oh, really? I wonder why he had that particular hobby.

“‘You may want to turn away, Marasi.’ Waxillium said.
She frowned, but didn’t look away. So he grabbed the burned layer at Wayne’s shoulder and—with a jerk—ripped the skin off his back. It came free in almost a single complete sheet.”—Pages 167-168

Oh my god this scene is so gross.

“The carriage was approaching the bridge to the Field of Rebirth; the blanket of green grass and blooming Marewill flowers rose in a gradual hillside slope. The statues of the Last Emperor and the Ascendant Warrior dominated the top, capping their tomb. There was a museum there. Marasi had been there several times as a girl to look at the relics of the World of Ash that had been saved by the Originators, those who had been nurtured in wombs of the earth and reborn to build society.”—Page 172

Interesting to see how Era 2 sees Era 1 and it’ll be even more interesting to see what Era 3 and 4 think of Era 1.

“Mister Suit’s eyes were as cold as iron.”—Page 190

Interesting wording.

“The white, puffy things that float high above the fruitful land where the seeds are planted.”—Page 201

My god.

“‘Oh, Harmony!’ she said. ‘Are you all right? Is that your blood? And should I be in here? I can go. I should probably go, shouldn’t I? Are you sure you’re all right?’”—Page 218

Haha, I love flustered Marasi.

I think Ranette is proof that reincarnation does in fact exist in the Cosmere and Vin has been reborn.

You don’t know what Hazekillers are?

“‘I call the gun Vindication,’ she said. ‘After the Ascendant Warrior.’”—Page 234


“‘Anyone here speak High Imperial?’
Waxillium shook his head.
‘Makes my head hurt.’ Wayne said.
‘I can read it, kind of.’ Marasi said, taking the square piece of metal. There were several characters scratched into the metal ‘Wasing the where of needing,’ she read, forming the unfamiliar words. The lofty tongue was used for old document dating to the time of the Origin, and occasionally for government ceremony. ‘It’s a call for help.’”—Page 235

I still can’t believe Spook’s bullshit slang is now a highly regarded language. I’m sure it was Kell’s idea.

“‘There’s another thing I’m thinking about you,’ she said softly. ‘Can you guess it?’
All to well.”—Page 249

Sorry Marasi, Steris and Wax are endgame.

“He groaned again, leaning his head back against the floor. I thought I asked for a little help.
A voice returned to him, distinct and unexpected. And a little is what you received, I think.
Waxillium started. Well…could I have some more, then? Um, please?”—Page 286


‘This is a very bizarre conversation, Waxillium thought back.
Yes.”—Page 286

I love these two’s interactions.

“‘Oh Survivor of Mists!’ Steris breathed, cheeks flushed, eyes wide, lips parted as she held to him. She didn’t look terrified. If anything, she seemed aroused.
You are a bizarre woman, Steris, Wax thought.”—Page 297

I love Steris.

“Harmony, Waxillium though. If Miles had been born back then, in the days before, he’d have been a hero.”—Page 303

Not really. Now that I’ve read these books closer together, Miles is more Zane than anything else.

“Waxillium scratched at his chin, watching the man. Something decidedly odd was going on there. He was almost like a different person.”—Page 308

Is Brettin that kandra?

“In short, my lord, I see you for what you are. The two of us, we are beyond the points in our lives where expecting the other to change would be realistic. I will accept this about you if you will accept me. I am not without my faults, as my previous three suitors chose to explain to me—at length—in written communication.”—Page 311

My poor baby Steris! I love you and Wax will, too.

“‘Where is Telsin?’ Waxillium asked.
‘Your sister is safe.’”—Page 315

That she is.

“Driven into those eyes, point first, were what looked like a pair of thick railroad spikes. One of the eyes sockets was deformed, as if it had been crushed, long healed scars and bony ridges under the skin marring the tattoos.”—Page 321-322

Hey, Marsh.

“Ironeyes responded with a tight-lipped smile, watching her with the heads of those silvery spikes. ‘I have a feeling he’d have tried to shoot me. That one does not like unanswered questions, but he does my brother’s work, and that is something I feel inclined to encourage. Good day, Lady Marasi Colms.’”—Page 322

Wax would totally try to shoo Marsh, also hello Kell reference.