A review by vikingvisuals
Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms by Hannah Fry


This book is a well written and entertaining dive into the background of algorithms and their uses in various areas of life: from crime and justice to art and "autonomous" driving.

It's a good overview and provides some interesting viewpoints, is likely however of somewhat less interest to people more familiar with the field.

I would have perhaps enjoyed a little bit more meat on the bones of the "being human in the age of algorithms". This concept came up only very subtly during the book and was summer up in a few pages at the conclusion, but I would have liked to see some more human aspects and the place of algorithms in our lives.

That is however a very small qualm. Hannah Fry is as entertaining in her book as she is in her videos, really looking forward to any future contributions to the minds of people like me with huge interest in these fields but little technical knowledge to truly absorb some of the fascinating information.