A review by princess_squeak
We Are All Stardust: Scientists Who Shaped Our World Talk about Their Work, Their Lives, and What They Still Want to Know by Stefan Klein


4 Stars
I went into this book not knowing it was going to be transcripts of interviews, and at first, it was very shocking and hard to read. Once I got past that and started to look past the formatting I wasn't used to, I was really able to enjoy this book for its absolutely amazing content. The people he interviews are all very interesting and from a diverse spectrum of professions. The conversations are mostly formatted about their lives work and passion projects, and once you get to read about what these people have devoted their lives to, you get drawn in as well. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a break from the norm and wants to learn more about different professions. This book really helped me gain interest in starting my own passion project and pushed me to want to do more with my life than just the average 9 to 5.