A review by emily_loves_2_read
The 24 Hour Dating Agency by Mary Jayne Baker


24 Hour Dating Agency
Genre: Romance
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 11/1/22
Author: Mary Jayne Baker
Publisher: Head of Zeus
Pages: 336
Goodreads Rating: 3.70

Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for providing a digital copy of the book for me to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Synopsis: Tamara wants to meet someone but self-employed with kids makes it difficult. Milo just had his heart broken, still a hopeless romantic. Then there is Saffie who has not been in love. Step forward The 24-hour Dating Agency, a match-making service with a difference. Instead of wasting months on casual dates they promise to find you the one through an intense twenty-four hours date – speed-dating but in reverse and even better, the agency boasts a 100% success rate. Figuring they have nothing to lose, the three friends decide to sign up. But when one of their dates turns out to be an undercover journalist researching the dating agency's unique approach for a feature, it looks as though one of them, at least, is headed for heartbreak. Or are they?

My Thoughts: This is marketed as a Romance but I think it is more Contemporary Fiction as the focus is on the friendship of the three co-workers and how it blossoms throughout the story while they are trying their chance at love through this dating app. While I did enjoy this book, I thought it would have been better to introduce their friendship in this book with the same premise, but then focus on one character’s love life and then spin off two more books with the other two characters love life’s. It just felt like there was a lot impacted into this one book and would have worked better as 3 separate books. However, in the end, I still enjoyed the book. It was emotional, complex, and the characters did have some depth, but not enough time was spent individually on the romances. All in all, I would read other books by this author as I did enjoy the writing style and the character development.