A review by archangelesq
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green


In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life- it goes on. Robert Frost

“Actually, the problem is that I can’t lose my mind,” I said. It’s inescapable.

Absolutely outstanding work from John Green. I have loved all of his books, but this was a step above. Everything felt different about it, and it was wonderfully different. He poured a lot of himself into this book, and it shows. From watching him on Vlogbrothers, I know he has a very close relationship with the mental health issues discussed in the book. He writes it as the struggle actually is. There is no magic fix to it, but we have to just go on with it day-to-day. The gyre may tighten down on us some days, but it widens infinitely on others. I truly cannot say enough good things about this book.

Review on second reading: this book is extremely important. As someone who suffers with anxiety and “invasives”, I felt this was a good representation of some of the brain struggles that I face. I do not struggle to the level of Aza, but it’s nice to read about other people experiencing what I do. And for those readers who do not suffer anxiety or panic attacks, read this and learn more about the things your loved ones may be going through.